
  • Japan Inu-Ou (meer)
Trailer 2

Streaming (1)


Inu-oh wordt geboren met een uniek uiterlijk. De mensen om hem heen zijn hierdoor zo ontzet, dat ze elke centimeter van zijn lichaam bedekken met kleding, zelfs zijn gezicht wordt verborgen achter een masker. Op een dag ontmoet hij een jonge blinde biwa speler genaamd Tomona. Terwijl Tomona een intrigerend lied over het verwarde lot speelt, ontdekt Inu-oh dat hij over een ongelooflijk dansvermogen beschikt. Ze worden onafscheidelijk als vrienden en zakenpartners, waarbij zij hun creatieve gaven gebruiken om te overleven aan de randen van de maatschappij. Ze spelen lied na lied en worden langzaam maar zeker grote sterren. Met zijn muziek betovert Inu-oh zijn publiek en geleidelijk aan begint hij te veranderen in iemand van ongekende schoonheid. Maar waarom is Tomona blind en waarom is Inu-oh geboren met zijn unieke uiterlijk? Deze film vertelt het verhaal over de vriendschap van de twee sterren, die dansend en zingend proberen achter de waarheid te komen en zo elkaars vloek te verbreken. (Periscoop Film)


Recensie (1)



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Engels Inu-Oh is a unique film that will definitely make an impression on the viewer. It is like a great artistic performance whose form is so strange and impressive at times that it just blew me away. Generally speaking, most of Sience Saru’s productions are distinctive and often use very original animation and ways of expression. This time, I was caught and drawn in within minutes and the film held my attention with its originality for most of its running time. Inu-Oh also has a very strong aesthetic aspect, and it works well with color to evoke the right kind of emotions and vibes. There's even a passage that literally felt like being at a spectacular rock concert, enjoying the show the filmmakers had prepared for me. The biggest problem with Inu-Oh, however, is that form clearly wins over content, and so the story is probably the film’s main weakness. First of all, it's not a story for everyone, as it refers to a lot of Japanese realities, knowledge of which is a huge advantage, and ignorance can easily make you lose all interest in the story and miss out on things. On the other hand, everything is relatively well explained, and although traditional Japanese mysticism plays a part, the basic framework is easy to understand, even if you don't know much about the story of the Heike clan. Moreover, there isn't that much story, after all, it's not the main thing. As I said, the film is mainly supposed to captivate the viewer with its form, which was a success as far as I’m concerned. It's also a very strange combination of a historical setting and a musical that uses some modern elements, which may be a bit of a clash for some viewers. Plus, the music here in general may not be to everyone's taste. All in all - Inu-Oh is a unique film with a distinct character that may not be everyone's thing, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. 8/10 ()