
The behavioural patterns of man on the borderline of depression and neurosis are examined in an analytical way by this film of the 70s. One day Novák Erzsébet kindergarten-teacher destroys her papers, cuts her hair and closes her mouth forever. She prepares for suicide namelessly, then somewhere around Normafa she accepts being taken into an asylum. Her doctor, the understanding but firm Irén breaks her silence following a long experimental psychoteraphy. Erzsi, after having poked fun at her with true emotions at a performance evening, is willing to give an account of the traumatic experiences of her most recent past. She lost her child, because she refused to live with the father, her lover got into bad ways and because of her creative methods she was excluded from the kindergarten teacher community by the management. Erzsi, seeing herself mirrored in cases of severe psychiatric illness, gradually learns to see her painful memories as no longer fatal, and is eventually cured. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)



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