Red Planet

  • USA Red Planet

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Het is 2050. Een veelzijdige groep getalenteerde astronauten wordt door de ruimte ingestuurd om als eerste voet op Mars te zetten. Omdat de aarde stervende is moeten zij gaan onderzoeken of het mogelijk is om op de rode planeet te kunnen leven. Na een noodlanding komen ze aan op Mars, waar ze te kampen krijgen met zuurstofnood en het lijkt haast onmogelijk om nog terug te keren naar het moederschip. De spanning tussen de expeditieleden loopt hoog op wanneer ze erachter komen dat zij niet de enige levende wezens op Mars zijn. (Warner Bros. Pictures)


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alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Was it really necessary to throw a robot on Mars? Couldn't they just do it with an alien? And isn't it all really just a romance about a couple who are completely unsuited to each other? If it weren't for that sexy scene at the beginning, this film wouldn't have caught my attention at all, but Carrie-Anne definitely nailed it. The movie didn’t, though. It doesn't even deserve to be compared to something like The Martian. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels This film could have been very good, but unfortunately it's exactly like the decorations used in it. Flat, dull, red. A handy director would surely cope with the fairly decent theme and the mysterious plot and could smuggle both thought depth into the film (although Zemeckis's Contact overwhelmingly analyzes science vs. faith) and the momentum of the action. Hoffman, however, filmed a boring, slow conversation film, where all attempts at tension end in excessive predictability and all attempts at philosophical reflection in the two-dimensionality of the characters and awkward dialogues. If you add to this mediocre tricks and sometimes even awkward efforts to achieve monumetality (e.g., the final scene in orbit probably wanted to achieve Kubrick grandeur, but the result is dismal), you get a below-average science fiction. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels International Agencies’ Report from 2000: "NASA has unexpectedly suffered heavy losses. Its top scientists were invited to the world premiere of Red Planet. During the screening, three of the scientists burst their diaphragms due to uncontrollable laughter, one died of a heart attack and one ended up in a psychiatric ward." A few years later, Reuters published: "On 9 February, 2004, leading astronomer Czech Jiří Grygar attempted suicide. His wife told police that he had been watching an American film on TV that had the word 'planet' in the title. Apparently, Red Planet again. Could there be a connection with the tragic events of 4 years ago?"… And finally, the news that has not been reported anywhere. A film fan from the Czech Republic had a great time at the expense of the creators of this horrible monstrosity and pitied the great actors who appeared in it. ()

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