
When James Bond (Agent 007) investigates the murders of three fellow agents, he soon finds himself a target, evading vicious assassins as he closes in on the powerful Kananga. Known on the streets as Mr. Big, Kananga is coordinating a globally threatening scheme using tons of self-produced heroin. As Bond tries to unravel the mastermind's plan, he meets Solitaire, the beautiful Tarot card reader whose magical gifts are crucial to the crime lord. Bond works his own magic on her, and embarks on a series of adventures, involving voodoo, hungry crocodiles and turbo-charged speedboats. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)



  • winnaar
  • nominatie

Academy Awards

  • 1974 - Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures (Original Song)

The Saturn Awards

  • 2013 - Best DVD or Blu-ray Collection
  • 2007 - Best DVD Movie Collection
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