

A dream of falling from the sky...and then birth. Rakka is born from a large cocoon into the Old Home, greeted by a group of females with small wings on their backs and shining halos above their heads. Soon Rakka's own wings grow, a halo is placed on her head and she is told that she must work in the nearby town of Grie. She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit. (MVM Entertainment)


Recensie van Jeoffrey voor deze serie (1)

Haibane renmei (2002) 

Engels Unfortunately, even though I am constantly deluding myself about my imagination and fantasy, I did not let myself get fully absorbed by this calm and very well-crafted work. Initially, I especially had quite a problem with the slow pace and the fact that nothing important happened in the first few episodes, in my opinion. So I could even understand the person who says it is quite boring. Fortunately, from the fifth episode onwards, it caught my attention. It started to tease my imagination and raise many questions about what the Haibane actually are. I had to think about where it takes place and what is going on there, plus a lot of thoughts running through my head about the meaning of life and everything. I guess that is what it was supposed to be about in the first place. In addition, I commend the anime’s creators for the fact that I did not get precise and proper answers, and thus even now, when writing my review, I am still thinking about how to describe my impressions accurately. Haibane Renmei is a very interesting, emotional, initially very slow show with nice animation and an amazing soundtrack, which adds even more depth to it all. Even though we do not see it much with the ordinary eye, we have to guess. So a very well-produced show, although due to its too calm start, it did not grab me at all, which is not the fault of Haibane Renmei, but rather of my imagination and my sometimes lazy mind. Objectively it should be awarded five stars because I got what the anime’s creators were going for, even though subjectively it would be awarded four stars because I just cannot forget the beginning and the fact that it did not work for me. 8.3/10. ()