
De slimme uitvinder Boo, de niet al te snuggere Zino en prinses Alanta beleven allerlei avonturen in hun fantasiewereld Gaya. Ze moeten het altijd opnemen tegen drie ontzettende vervelende klieren: Galger, Bramph en Zeck, die samen de 'Snurks' genoemd worden. Alles loopt flink uit de hand wanneer een doorgedraaide professor de hele club van Gaya naar de echte mensenwereld ontvoert. Dit is het begin van een maffe en spectaculaire reis door deze onbekende wereld om de weg terug naar Gaya te vinden... (Three Lines Pictures)


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Engels European animated films try to catch up with those from America. The problem is that animation in the USA is of a really high standard. If a good animated film is made in Europe, it is often limited to club production. If it reaches cinemas, it is only because it does not want to be European but tries to look American. However, it cannot be American if it only copies it, and poorly at that. "Hrdinové z říše Gaja" immediately bothers me with its animation. I simply did not like it. It is... ugly. That is probably the best word. I don't think children will like it either. Furthermore, it is not elaborately designed. The faces look like poorly made latex masks. What's worse is that the animators even tried to do human characters that look like puppets from some terrifying museum. Another problem with the film is that it wants to be even more American, so there is a mysterious villain, simply pure evil, against whom the heroes can fight in the end. So, half of the time, the film is just wandering about nothing, which somewhat resembles "Arthur and the Minimoys", but it is definitely not as interesting or entertaining. What I really can't stand are stories where the characters meet their creator and realize that they actually should not exist. This theme is so overused that I don't understand how anyone can still consider it a great element. It seems to me that Europeans once again took a bad example from American animation and instead of creating something unique, they churned out something that tried to show children that European films can be good. However, this intention failed miserably. The Golden Turtle Sammy, on the other hand, is at least cute. More: ()

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