The Last Kiss

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Op dertigjarige leeftijd leidt Michael een rustig leventje. Zijn vriendin Jenna is hoogzwanger van hun eerste kindje. Tijdens de zwangerschap zijn Michael en zijn drie beste vrienden onafscheidelijk. Er is maar één ding dat Michael angst inboezemt en dat is de voorspelbaarheid en het conformisme van zijn leven. En dan ontmoet hij de jonge en zeer verleidelijke Kim. Zijn drang naar vrijheid, zijn verlangen naar passie en zijn angst om zich voorgoed te binden brengen hem in een verhaal waar alle gevoelens ontploffen... (Paradiso Filmed Entertainment)


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Engels I don't know what to do with my life, I will do something crazy and everything will become clear to me. I can't resist comparing it directly to Garden State, considering Zach Braff's indecisive performance in the lead role. I'm glad that it managed to capture the appropriate "crisis" mood, where the characters helplessly stand still and the viewer can only ponder the solution with them. I slightly dislike that the majority of the wide selection of characters have serious dilemmas. Even though the characters are non-stereotypical, the frequent desperate looks quickly become tiresome. Since Michael behaves completely nonsensically at certain moments, Kim became my favorite character. Whenever she appears, Rachel Bilson brightens up the scene unbelievably and with her line "I don't care about tomorrow or anything else. The main thing is that you're here," she won my heart. Although I don't understand what she actually saw in such a loser. When I listen to another piece of the soundtrack during the final credits, which fits the mood perfectly, I wonder why, even with the best intentions, I can't give it more than three stars – and I think that Zach Braff is to blame for that, apart from the arguments mentioned earlier. It doesn't matter that he is faultless as JD in Scrubs. As Michael, he is so unappealing that he brings the movie down a notch. ()

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