Živé mrtvoly

  • Engels The Living Corpses


On a hot summer's day the absent-minded professor Florián Pátek is hurrying to the swimming pool at Podolí. There he meets Miss Anastázie Rohlíčková. First he pushes her on a swing, then they both disappear behind a bush and begin kissing. When Anastázie fails to arrive home, her parents go out looking for her. They find her clothes in a cubicle - and soon afterwards they find the clothes and umbrella of the professor. The couple is discovered behind the bushes, lying on the ground in an embrace, but not moving. An agent from the funeral parlour hurries to the scene. However, instead of a funeral, a wedding takes place. Both "corpses" turned out to be alive and the professor has to promise that he will take the girl as his wife. (NFA)
