Darker than Black: Kuro no keijakuša - Season 1 (2007) (Seizoen)

Gin'iro no Yoru, Kokoro wa Suimen ni Yureru Koto Naku (Kōhen) (S01E14)

  • Japan 銀色の夜、心は水面に揺れることなく(後編) (meer)
Animatie / Actie / Drama / Fantasy / Mysterie / Psychologisch / Scifi
Japan, 2007, 24 min


A would-be savior offers a chance for Yin to abandon the life of espionage and murder, and return to her home. But there can be no peace for Yin. She carries the burdens of personal tragedy heavy upon her back, and atonement could very well last forever. (Prime Video)