
In Warcraft: The Beginning wordt het koninkrijk Azeroth en haar bevolking bedreigd door de komst van gevaarlijke en gewelddadige Orcs. Zij zijn op zoek naar een nieuw gebied voor hun volk, omdat hun eigen land vernietigd is. Wanneer er een verbinding ontstaat tussen de werelden van de mensheid en de Orcs, zal één van twee volledig verdwijnen en uitsterven. Twee helden, afkomstig uit de twee verschillende werelden, staan tegenover elkaar om te vechten voor de redding van hun eigen toekomst en nageslacht. (Universal Pictures International Netherlands)


Recensie (21)



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Engels As I've been playing WOW for 8 years now, I was excited to see this. At the same time, I was seriously apprehensive. I've never played the original Warcraft, but I'm at least roughly familiar with it and the film certainly didn't disappoint. As a player, I was pleased that I could easily recognize the locations without the need for text on screen. As a viewer, I was pleased that it was possible to immerse myself in the story even without any prior knowledge of the game. Thankfully, unlike in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, the declarations of love, both straight and gay, were kept to the minimum, so there was no need to add entirely new characters to the story. The plot could simply race forward, which it did. I think it’s an excellent fantasy film, which not only didn’t disappoint me but made me look forward to the sequel (if there is one). On the other hand, what I didn’t like too much were the deviations from the game. If it continues along these lines, it will probably become a completely different story that will have very little in common with what the players know. ()