
This is the story of two girls aged 11, Siss and Unn. Unn is a recent arrival in the little rural community; her mother is dead and she has never seen her father. She lives with her aunt. As a stranger, Unn is excluded from the circle of friends at school. Siss on the other hand has both freidns and parents. The two girls become increasingly attracted to each other, in a relationshiop full of budding expectations and silent longing for varmth and tenderness. One evening when they meet they are for the first time hurled into confronting their intense feelings. The following day, Unn cannot face anothere encounter with Siss and sets off alone, out into the cold, unfrequented landscape. Eventually, she disappears inside the froxen waterfall: The Ice Palace. Siss never sees Unn again. She, too, is alone now, and she struggles through a long winter - against the frost which has settled deep inside her. (Norsk Filminstitutt)


Galerie (15)