
De in Brooklyn wonende gangster en huurmoordenaar Jimmy Conlon, alias The Gravedigger, heeft betere tijden gekend. Jimmy, de beste vriend van maffiabaas Shawn Maguire, is nu 55 en wordt achtervolgd door zijn zonden uit het verleden. Conlon wordt al ruim dertig jaar in de gaten gehouden door een vasthoudende rechercheur. De laatste jaren zoekt Jimmy voornamelijk zijn heil in een whiskyglas. Maar wanneer zijn zoon Mike het doelwit wordt, moet Jimmy een keuze maken tussen de maffiafamilie waar hij ooit voor koos, en zijn echte familie, waar hij al heel lang geen contact meer mee heeft. Mike slaat op de vlucht en Jimmy moet voorkomen dat zijn zoon niet het hetzelfde lot ondergaat als hij, namelijk eindigend aan de verkeerde kant van een vuurwapen. Jimmy heeft slechts één nacht om erachter te komen aan welke wereld hij trouw is, en om alles weer recht te zetten. (Warner Bros. Pictures)


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Engels Liam Neeson and Jaume Collet-Serra are a safe bet for me for the third time already. I was so sure the film was good, I couldn’t miss it in the cinema. Even though the ticket was pricy. Someone could feel weird about the fact that this rather gloomy dark crime movie has a bit too many special effects. I would survive without them too. On the other hand, it was those effects that made it so gloomy and dark. Liam Neeson does not start in the best position, but the director gradually pulled me into the quite straightforward story, which closes the circle of one mafia gang in the cruelest way. However, Liam Neeson, Ed Harris and Joel Kinnaman gave it such an amazing charisma that I devoured the movie. And I don’t mind at all that Liam keeps portraying the same character for years. I started to call his movies ‘Neesons’ for this very reason. I hope this is not his last movie. ()


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Engels The pitting of Ed Harris against Liam Neeson is the best thing in this film. And to make it into guys-only entertainment par excellence, casting Vincent D'Onofrio and Nick Nolte as their sidekicks was an equally fortunate choice. But it does not change the fact that: 1) almost all of the characters are nut-jobs who literally deserve to die, 2) it is once again based on a clearly defined genre template and 3) it focuses more on superficial formal effectiveness than on telling an honest crime drama such as We Own the Night. Now that was a genre movie deserving of four stars in my opinion. And it doesn’t lack shootouts or an exciting car chase. ()



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Engels It might gradually becomes its own subgenre, one with very few memorable pieces, Run All Night among them. It doesn't have a chance against Taken. It lacks action, pace, drive and the editing in fight sequences leaves much to be desired. Even the slower, but much more deliberate and atmospheric Walking Among Tombstones was better than this quickie, from which you may feel the New York feeling of small streets and mob pubs, but the reminiscences of the 1990s are quite flawed. The strong cast do their job, but it’s not above average. When the best dialogue passages in an action movie are from the two main stars, and it's not necessarily Heat, it's quite possible something is off, as is the case here. ()


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Engels This quality dramatic family background story is spiced up with decent action and the Collet-Serra-Neeson trilogy has a very impressive finale. Bad luck and coincidence play the leading role, together with a boozy Santa suffering from remorse. The fantastic Ed Harris’s pep talks with Liam Neeson commands respect and his view on things makes sense. By coincidence, the evil Gravedigger is also the main protagonist who leaves piles of dead bodies lying in pools of blood, this time for justifiable (but selfish) reasons. Kinnaman Jr. is really fine, thinks for himself and doesn’t become too annoying during the story (which is important). A perfect action movie that I would gladly watch again. ()


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Engels Neeson's already in his standard box, and Serra has definitely parked himself in the position of a decent thriller craftsman. The result is improved a lot by the remaining ensemble cast, and in turn, dragged down by the fact that most of the dialogue speeches in the second half are merely empty and stretch the film to an unsympathetic length. ()

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