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De Duits-Joodse filosofe Hannah Arendt moet haar vaderland verlaten (ze werd geboren in 1906 in Linden bij Hannover). Ze vlucht voor de nazi's naar Amerika, waar ze onder andere werkt als journalist en docent. In 1951 krijgt zij het Amerikaanse staatsburgerschap. Tien jaar later neemt ze een baan aan bij de krant The New Yorker en reist als waarnemer naar het proces van de SS'er Adolf Eichmann in Israël. De resultaten van haar bevindingen vat zij samen in een boek: 'De banaliteit van het kwaad'. Daarmee maakt zij een controverse los die niet alleen onder theoretici grote aandacht krijgt. (Cinemien)


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Engels She did not consider herself a philosopher, but she still thought philosophically. She was present at the trial of Adolf Eichmann, a monster who was supposed to have come up with the plan to finally deal with the Jews. Hitler's engineer of genocide. However, Arendt realized that she was not faced with a monster, but with a normal person. At least at first glance. People do not want to see this. They want to see a monster, they want to see a chimera. Such a monster cannot be like them. That is why Hannah Arendt did not have an easy life and her views were not positively received. Even though she did not defend the monster, they still looked at her with suspicion. The film has great visuals, but most importantly, it draws attention to a thought-provoking theme. The quality execution, which interestingly combines live action with archival footage, is an interesting added value. However, the film itself does not bring much extra and is similarly contrived as "The Iron Lady." ()


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Engels Hannah can be uncompromising and totally emotionless, but overall, she has one main goal – Adolf Eichmann who will probably keep her awake for the rest of her life. The director Margarethe von Trotta has fairly accurately shot the story of someone who wanted to destroy Eichmann in court. Live action scenes are complemented by real-life shots that can make your blood run cold at times. There are all sorts of people in the world and so I’m willing to believe that they can keep on surprising you throughout life. However, it’s a pity that the two hours of this movie dragged on quite a lot. I felt like the movie was trying to analyze Hanna and Adolf more than trying to tell a unique story. Even so, it’s a story about Nazi Germany that you need to know and watch. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Another meeting between Margarethe von Trotta and Barbara Sukowa (or Lola, Berlin Alexanderplatz). This time in a masterful dialogue about the nature of evil. The film focuses on the period in the early 1960s when Arendt was reporting for "The New Yorker" on "Eichmann in Jerusalem: a Report on the Banality of Evil." ()

Galerie (31)