
Robot Jox reveals a world where nations settle their territorial disputes by a single combat between two giant machines. Piloted by national heroes Achilles (Gary Graham) and Alexander (Paul Koslo), the robots meet in Death Valley to fight for the greatest prize of all: Alaska. But when Achilles' machine crushes 300 spectators, the match ends in a draw. Refusing to face Alexander in a rematch, Achilles is replaced by Athena (Anne-Marie Johnson), a genetically-engineered combat fighter. So when the GenJox is nearly killed and the game is forfeited, Achilles avenges their honor by challenging Alexander to a winner-take-all death match, in this heavy-metal, sci-fi adventure. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)



Robot Jox

Robot Jox

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Distributeur: Intrada Records

Jaar: 2017

Land: USA

Indeling: CD

Lengte: 42:38

Notities: Limited edition.

1. Opening Scene Frédéric Talgorn 02:44
2. Long Sting Frédéric Talgorn 00:51
3. Crash & Burn Frédéric Talgorn 02:33
4. Open Her Up Frédéric Talgorn 01:14
5. Can I Go Now, Dad? Frédéric Talgorn 04:25
6. The Jock Strap Bar Frédéric Talgorn 02:56
7. That's Not Going To Work Frédéric Talgorn 01:20
8. Achilles' Bedroom Frédéric Talgorn 01:37
9. Goodbye, Jock Buddy Frédéric Talgorn 01:44
10. Athena Pulls Herself Frédéric Talgorn 00:20
11. Fanfare For Athena Frédéric Talgorn 00:46
12. There Was A Time When Frédéric Talgorn 00:44
13. Hey Jock Buddy, You In A Hurry? Frédéric Talgorn 02:01
14. That Sly Jap Sonofabitch Frédéric Talgorn 01:10
15. Alexander's Four-Legged Robot Frédéric Talgorn 01:08
16. Achilles To The Rescue / Alexander Smashes The Official's Ship Frédéric Talgorn 01:28
17. Achilles Into Space Frédéric Talgorn 02:23
18. Achilles' Robot Transforms Frédéric Talgorn 01:06
19. Alexander's Severed Arm / Robot Jox Into The Sunset Frédéric Talgorn 07:00
20. THE EXTRAS: Now It's Just Me Frédéric Talgorn 00:18
21. Short Sting Frédéric Talgorn 00:04
22. Long Sting (Alternate) Frédéric Talgorn 00:38
23. Matsumoto Sighs Deeply Frédéric Talgorn 00:15
24. I Don't Know Frédéric Talgorn 00:17
25. Overture Frédéric Talgorn 03:36
Robot Jox

Robot Jox

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Distributeur: Prometheus Records

Jaar: 1993

Land: België

Indeling: CD

Lengte: 39:38

1. Robotjox Overture Frédéric Talgorn 03:35
2. Prologue The Battlefield Frédéric Talgorn 02:43
3. Achilles' Bedroom Frédéric Talgorn 01:37
4. Open Her Up Frédéric Talgorn 01:13
5. Crash And Burn / Achilles Vs. Alexander Frédéric Talgorn 06:56
6. Achilles Leaves Frédéric Talgorn 01:43
7. Fanfares For Athena / The Jock Strap Frédéric Talgorn 03:36
8. Hey Jock, Old Buddy Frédéric Talgorn 02:00
9. The Traitor Frédéric Talgorn 01:54
10. Alexander's Four Legged Robot Frédéric Talgorn 01:08
11. That Won't Work / Achilles To The Rescue Frédéric Talgorn 02:46
12. Space Battle Frédéric Talgorn 02:23
13. Transformation Frédéric Talgorn 01:05
14. The Final Confrontation Frédéric Talgorn 02:33
15. We Can Both Live / End Title Frédéric Talgorn 04:26