
This intimate drama about a reclusive family follows a man called Stacho who is serving a prison sentence. Following the unexpected suicide of his mother he is released from prison so that he can visit his family and attend the funeral. The family gathering is, however, seething with silent reproaches and suppressed motives which drain all emotion from the reunion, with the exception of fleeting moments where the physical tension is suddenly palpable. The director’s feature debut betrays his past experience as a documentary maker: his film captures the situation realistically, deliberately avoiding superfluous context and literal explanations. The latent and yet clearly tangible hostility and mutual incomprehension clearly permeate the various scenes, though at certain points they give way to violent eruptions of physical expression. The circumspect camerawork of Michał Sobociński, scion of a distinguished family of film photographers, co-creates the overall raw tone of the film and helps to amplify its impact. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)


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