In the Shadow of the Sun

Tanzania / Groot Brittanië, 2012, 88 min


It is not easy to be an albino in Tanzania. White skin is distinguishable and it burns quickly under the African sun. However, the constant fear is by far the worst part. According to local superstition, albino body parts bring wealth and luck; hence witch doctors pay generously for a leg or an arm. The film follows Josephat and Vedastus, who along with hundreds of other albinos have to live in fear. Superstition is deeply rooted in the culture and prejudices are hard to overcome. Josephat embarks on a journey in order to reason with the locals. Vedastus on the other hand tries to find a school which would accept him as a student. Even though Josephat and Vedastus are like refugees in their own country, their hope for a better tomorrow remains strong. The film is a beautiful statement for tolerance.
Juha Nurminen  | translation by Juha Nurminen (DocPoint)


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