Streaming (1)


Een medewerkster van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken is onlangs overgeplaatst naar de Amerikaanse ambassade in Londen. Ze krijgt de taak om te voorkomen dat terroristen de Verenigde Staten binnen komen. Al snel komt ze onder vuur te liggen en wordt ze bedreigd met de dood en beschuldigd van misdaden. Ze slaat op de vlucht en probeert tegelijkertijd haar naam te zuiveren en een grote terroristische aanslag te voorkomen. (Dutch FilmWorks)


Recensie (2)



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels A generic spy caper with a 90s flavour, and I don't mean that in a good way. Survivor wants to be a variation on Bourne or The Fugitive, but it has too many weird coincidences for that, an extremely inept villain, and a heroine who survives not by intelligence and her abilities, but by dumb luck and the art of scratching her opponents' eyes out. That Milla Jovovich and James McTeigue are stooges I more or less knew, and I give Pierce Brosnan two more films like this and rank him right up there with them. Survivor is closer to the new Steven Seagal movies than it is to quality action thrillers. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Better than November Man, with a smarter script with better characters and their motivations. It starts off very well and those old-school espionage games have always been, are, and will be cool, and at times it seems like it could rival Bourne. Unfortunately, things go downhill and the chase through London is weaker, ending with an utterly ridiculous finale, following the worst script clichés. Thankfully, they realized that Pierce Brosnan is best as a villain, and here he plays a natural born hitman, The Watchmaker was damn cool. Unfortunately, they realized it almost 15 years after his biggest action role as a good guy and ladies’ man. ()

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