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Het is zomer 1984. Margaret Thatcher is aan de macht en de Britse mijnwerkersbond staakt. Tijdens de Gay Pride in Londen, besluit een groep homoseksuele en lesbische activisten geld op te halen om de families van de stakende mijnwerkers te ondersteunen. Maar ze stuiten op een probleem: de bond lijkt gegeneerd hun steun te ontvangen. 
De actievoerders laten zich echter niet uit het veld slaan. Ze besluiten de bond te negeren en de mijnwerkers direct te benaderen. Ze ontdekken een mijnwerkersdorp in de binnenlanden van Wales en trekken er op uit in een klein busje om hun donatie persoonlijk te overhandigen. (Lumière Publishing)


Recensie (3)



alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Funny in some places, serious in others.Pride tells a story about an event I knew nothing about until I saw The Imitation Game and found out what Great Britain did to Alan Turing. It is interesting that both of these movies, which are dealing with the discrimination of the homosexual minority in the UK, were released this year. Sometimes you have to drag out some skeletons from the closet. Too bad that for the entire two hours of the running time, the movie bored me terribly. I expected that this British clash of gays and lesbians with the local villagers would be far more brutal, ironic and funny. But that unfortunately wasn’t the case. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels Pride is a very powerful film whose immediate strength lies in its story based on true events, and in the convincing performances. The film is not lacking in strong moments as well as downright light-hearted and funny scenes, all of which are used with purpose. Of the cast, I would particularly single out the absolutely wonderful Imelda Staunton and Bill Nighy, who impressed me the most, but the other members of the ensemble also performed convincingly. In short, a very well made film with a terrific cast that is a great mix of comedy and drama. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker

Engels I had no idea what to expect from this movie, and I have to say that if I was expecting anything, it certainly wasn't this. A human drama, at times quite comedic, about how lesbians and gays tried to help the striking miners. The characters are simply excellent, and you will thoroughly enjoy it with them. The film challenges homosexual stereotypes, which is really great. ()