
  • Denemarken Varicella (meer)
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Noorwegen / Denemarken / Zweden, 2015, 25 min


Varicella portrays the tender and trusting relationship between two sisters who share a common dream: becoming a soloist ballet dancer. Nastia, 13 years old, and Polina, 7 years old, are studying at one of the most prestigious ballet academies in Russia through being selected among 5500 talented children from all across the country. In order to make their dream come true, they practise intensively at the academy for six hours every weekday. After finishing the first year, Polina will have to pass a tough exam in order to prove that she has developed the necessary skills to continue studying at the academy. Nastia therefore helps her to improve during the weekend, in their humble home in the suburbs of Saint Petersburg. Only a few brilliant students at the academy have the possibility to one day become soloists. Nastia and Polina both know this, but facing their challenges together, they find the confidence and the power to go on, in that way overcoming their fears. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)
