Les Routes secrètes des oiseaux migrateurs

  • Engels The Secret Routes of Migratory Birds
Frankrijk, 2014, 52 min


Each year, before the winter starts, migratory birds travel south, and in spring they travel back north. In recent years, however, the number of these birds has decreased. What is the reason for this change? Christian Moullec has studied birds for more than twenty years and has tried to understand them. To facilitate this, he learned to fly ultralight aircraft, and in this film he sets out on a voyage to countries with warmer climates alongside a group of eight graylag geese, which accept Moullec as a member of their flock. Moullec teaches his young wards, which were bred in captivity, how to survive the challenges of the modern world. Heading south across France, the filmmakers capture visions of fascinating scenery not only from land but also from a bird's eye view, revealing to the viewer aerial highways that millions of migratory birds travel every year . All of this is completed with captivating music by Laurent Ferlet. Moullec knows what he must do: at the end of their journey, he gives his feathery friends freedom and can only hope they have learnt enough to survive unharmed in the wild. (Academia Film Olomouc)


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