
Season 4 begins with Axe closing ranks, determined to destroy Taylor. No longer U.S. Attorney, Chuck struggles to regain power. Taylor does what it takes to keep their new company afloat. (Showtime)

Recensie (2)



alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels The start of the fourth season didn't exactly blow me away, but it didn't let me down either. Chuck's stint as a traveling salesman brought some entertainment, and Bobby's ongoing rivalry with the other company kept me intrigued. Plus, that opening scene with Bobby Axelrod featuring Lemmy was a nice touch that I couldn't help but enjoy. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels Chuck, as a power broker arranging shady deals in restaurants and coffee shops. Finally, for his naysayers, a solid satisfaction, but otherwise, apart from this half-comedic and half-serious cultural insert, nothing new happens. This time, there’s no recap from the previous season, but it doesn’t matter, really. As a lukewarm start, it was somehow passable. ()