
  • Engels Gnome (festivaltitel)



The Staněks are an ordinary family from Nymburk. The parents have a rope shop, the kids attend a grammar school, the grandpa is in a retirement home. None of them is entirely unhappy with their life, but each has a dream. When they find a magic gnome in the garden one day, everything turns upside down. Be careful what you wish for because it might come true! (Finále Plzeň)


Recensie van Necrotongue voor deze serie (3)

Trpaslík (2017) 

Engels The plot of this Czech series is so absurd it's almost perfect. A plaster dwarf functioning as a monkey's paw or O.W. Grant in Interstate 60 severely disrupts life in a small town. Another Czech comedy series which I found greatly amusing.  Martin Hofmann was fantastic as the sleazy Vladimír Novotný. He’s one of the reasons I’m rating this series so highly. ()

Pondělí (2017) (E01) 

Engels I didn't expect that I would laugh so often even on Monday. The Dwarf hooked me already from the first episode, the individual characters are well-cast, the humor used is not exactly academic, but on the other hand, it is much higher than the usual garbage of Master Trotter, and I enjoyed myself. ()

Úterý (2017) (E02) 

Engels Yeah, yeah, it's clear now. The Dwarf is clearly going to entertain me, the first episode wasn't the famous "spring swallow", Dad Stáňa's desperation got to me, it must be awful, waking up from a dreadful nightmare and realizing that it's a dreadful reality. And Dad is the one telling him that! ()

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