
The story revolves around Shiv and Saira. This is the story of these two seemingly ordinary individuals, going about their lives until their paths cross and they realize that they belong to one another. Unaware of a connection that was forged over several hundred years ago, Shiv and Saira are inexplicably drawn to each other and have a beautiful (and hysterical) relationship in very little time. Shiv is a laugh a minute and unknowingly brings so much sunshine into her life that Saira feels this is too good to be true. Until, of course, the third angle to their relationship emerges in the form of Zakir Merchant, a billionaire who goes all out to woo the beautiful yet strikingly down-to-earth Saira. After series of events mystery unfolds of her past and present life connections. From this point on, her life takes a turn that changes everything about her destiny. It’s that one chance that she had been waiting for. To change the cycle of her fate, her karma. A prophecy looms large over the destinies of Shiv, Zak and Saira in this life too. Will they manage to break this cursed cycle? Will destiny repeat itself? Will the lovers reunite or will they meet the same fate? Who does Saira belong to in this life? Zak or Shiv? (Grand Showbiz)



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