Nomen est Omen, avagy Reszkess Szabó János!

  • Groot Brittanië Nomen est Omen
alle posters


One day, the protagonist of the genre parody, the metro driver János Szabó (John Tailor) unfolds his psychopathic ego: he decides to kill each and every János Szabó and thus to become the only owner of this highly frequent Hungarian name. To his disappointment he finds 5180 namesakes. He gets a list of addresses, a weapon, then he buys poison and uncompromisingly kills his namesakes. Like the police, he too marks in the map where he has been successful. When evidence begins to accumulate against him, he does away with the chief of police. Due to a foreign scholarship, his girlfriend leaves their common child with him, and now he changes his name into István Kovács (Stephen Smith). They live happily. Soon the wife of his first victim bursts out into her psychopathic ego, and now she starts to kill the Mrs János Szabós. (Szalayfilm)
