The Joy of Data

Groot Brittanië, 2016, 50 min


Hannah Fry
(meer functies)


This new documentary follows the history of data usage, which has its origins in the industrial revolution. It combines infographics, interviews with experts, and articulate explanations in a playful and entertaining way. Most likely, everything in our surroundings already has been or will be collected as data by somebody at some point. The mathematician Hannah Fry, who guides you through the documentary, is able – through examples such as Scrabble or phone booths – to explain complex equations and abstract theories crucial for working with data. The discovery of efficient methods of data usage has led to the boom of incurrent computer technologies and still has huge potential. Soon, we may be living in smart cities which will constantly adjust to the current situation. However, one question remains unanswered: How much of our privacy are we willing to give up in order to keep society running smoothly? (Academia Film Olomouc)



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