
The Internet can be a breeding ground for chatty flirtations or right-swiping hopefuls, but rarely does an admirer intend to show romantic interest by hacking into another’s computer. Yet that is exactly what the Dutch twenty-something Daphne seeks to do when she invades the home computer of her mysterious neighbor Raymond. Enamored of her skills, and possibly her beauty, the usually reserved Raymond introduces Daphne to his best friend and partner Sem and their fledgling drug business on the dark web’s Silk Road. Surrounded by multicolored pills and inundated with orders from all over the world, Daphne quickly takes to the luxurious lifestyle her new income brings, not to mention the doting attention of both men. But when Raymond begins to trade the online currency bitcoin for murder and catches the attention of the government, Daphne must find a way out before she ends up in jail or, worse, dead. (Palm Springs International Film Festival)

