
The Tollan Narim pays an unexpected visit to Stargate Command, inviting the members of SG-1 to participate in a ritual known as "Triad." Only when SG-1 shows up on the new Tollan homeworld do they learn that Triad is an ancient ceremony of justice, and the person on trial is their old friend, Skaara. The Goa'uld Klorel's death glider crash-landed on the Tollan planet. Klorel was injured, which allowed the host personality, Skaara, to emerge and request amnesty. This Triad will determine which of the personalities will forever have control over the host body: the Goa'uld Klorel, or Skaara. Dr. Daniel Jackson and Col. Jack O'Neill are asked to argue for Skaara's position, while another Goa'uld, named Zipacna, will argue for Klorel's. As Daniel and O'Neill work on their arguments, Maj. Samantha Carter and Teal'c grow suspicious that Zipacna's presence might indicate an ulterior motive. But when SG-1 brings its concerns to the Tollan leaders, its protest puts Skaara in further danger of losing his identity forever. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM))

