
Tamiko and Hiroji Yoshida are gunned down near Ground Zero. She died and he escaped serious injury with a mere shot in the arm. Hiroji claims a black man tried to rob them, shot his wife in the face and shot him in the arm as he attempted to stop him. His wife died shortly thereafter, and Hiroji blames the "gun-crazy U.S. culture." But something is strange about his story. He says he saw a red van pulling away. Briscoe and Green discover there is a maintenance company in the area and they, in fact, drive red vans. But after some digging, they find nothing, especially since Hiroji can't identify the driver in a lineup. Thomas Walker works for the company and says a guy in a Lexus was speeding like crazy that morning and thanks to cameras at the tunnel, they trace it to Bobby Ito. (iTunes)



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