Něco z Alenky

  • Engels Alice
Animatie / Fantasy / Marionetten
Tsjechoslowakije / Zwitserland / Groot Brittanië / West-Duitsland, 1988, 86 min


With his film, Jan Švankmajer, pays tribute to writer Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland. The film Alice, however, speaks more about the director's own imagination as it meaningfully interconnects reality with dreams into "communicating vessels". A dream thus takes place in reality and reality in a dream. The surrealists are thereby trying to prove that living reality is only a part of our lives and that it is complemented by our own unexplored unconscious. Just like in the original, the whole adventure takes place in a dream, or perhaps not. Where else would the white rabbit go, anyway? (JuniorFest)


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