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Recensie (166)


The Christmas Chronicles 2 (2020) 

Engels This is different from the first chronicle, aimed at a kids’ audience, but of a length more suitable for adults. I found these two aspects rubbed me up the wrong way, as did the main baddie whose character was a little too one-dimensional. But this is made up for by Mr and Mrs Claus. The scenes where they appear are entertaining and there’s excellent chemistry between them. They are simply great actors. But this just an average, but cute Christmas comedy that will brighten your evening.


Holidate (2020) 

Engels A feelgood Christmas comedy that will have you laughing out loud. The one-liners and funny situations work well and the chemistry between the two central characters does too. Holidate has pace and I found the main female protagonist highly entertaining. If it weren’t for the sickly sweet ending that would have served for 3 other movies as well, I would have given this four stars.


Operation Christmas Drop (2020) 

Engels You can watch this using just one eye, no problem. This movie doesn’t attract your attention in any particular manner. It’s absolutely predictable and lacks any good ideas. The only thing that works is the likeable central duo. Christmas cheer on a tropical island doesn’t work with me at all, but it’s ok to watch like once.


And Then We Danced (2019) 

Engels I’ve seen the forbidden love theme so often, but never before in such a dry, raw and realistic setting as is the strongly religious and stereotypical country of Georgia. This movie really is different and extraordinary, mainly thanks to the traditional Georgian music, the camerawork and also the amazing chemistry between both central characters.


Nevrland (2019) 

Engels I couldn’t recommend this more for aficionados of deep psycho dramas. And also for those who want to experience something new. This detour through Nevrland purrs along wonderfully from start to finish. The action has great pace, a fascinating storyline; a great piece of moviemaking. If your bear in mind that this is only G. Schmidinger’s debut, the filming is very high quality, the editing professional and the camerawork is complemented by realistic sound and hard-hitting music. The choice of the two main protagonists is also outstanding; they have great chemistry together. And I can’t fault the screenplay either. The silent and musical sequences have so much to say.


West (2013) 

Engels Escaping from suffocating East Germany for freedom in the West - or not? A raw and realistic story about how difficult it was defecting to West Germany, starting with life in a refugee camp, which is hard work and highly stressful. A great movie presenting the period atmosphere so faithfully that it is chilling. Certainly worth watching.


Berlin Bouncer (2019) 

Engels A really unique topic which works up until about half way through. When the filmmakers focus on the three main protagonists and their night shifts at the door, it rattles along and you get just what you expected. Unfortunately, the rest of this documentary starts needlessly concentrating on the too personal lives of the protagonists which isn’t so interesting and things start going slower and slower. Then the only saving grave is the sincere and authentic Sven Marquardt, who is entertaining whatever else is going on. A low 3*


Sweethearts (2019) 

Engels I have to admit that this was a wonderful surprise. Of course, in terms of topic, this looks like a B-grade comedy, but I have to admit that it deserves a high mark. For a start, the entire movie theater was in stitches, which is the main thing with a comedy, but also the great camerawork, editing and frequently ingenious ideas for filming various scenes meant that I left enthused and happy. Everything worked wonderfully, making the rather crackpot story credible.


Schönheit & Vergänglichkeit (2019) 

Engels An array of amazing and breathtaking photos that are the great plus about this documentary. This makes you want to savor each shot as long as possible, because the photos go all the way to your soul. The likeable three protagonists and their ups and downs against a background both of a formerly divided, and now united Germany. The only fault here is that it lacks pace and dynamism. Some of the sequences seem to go on forever, while telling us nothing. But in any case, this movie has much to offer, so a high 3*.


Wir haben nur gespielt (2018) (Tv-film) 

Engels A raw and pure drama set against a dark backdrop with a lonely boy and poverty-stricken kids that are bought and sold, leaving more and more wounds on them. Very low-key, but fascinating, no chance for boredom. Highly recommended. It’s a movie that leaves you with lots to mull over in your head afterward too, and that’s just how I like them.