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Recensie (10 821)


MacGyver - Wire Cutter (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels I actually liked this episode, and you can see that the creators geared up to make it even more reminiscent of the original series, which is also reflected in the theme of the Cold War and atomic bombs. But it works, which is good because it's clear that director Joe Dante knows what he wants and he knows how to transfer it to the viewer. More episodes like this would be perfect.


MacGyver - Awl (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels I still haven't quite warmed up to this rendition of MacGyver, and I'm not sure if I ever will. Lucas Till is fine, but I just keep seeing Richard Dean Anderson. Moreover, the stories seem somewhat small-scale to me so far, studio-bound, lacking the action and pace of the original series. At least the characters are able to carry it a bit.


Kicks (2016) 

Engels You could say it's just a movie about a guy who easily gained and easily lost, but he didn't want to give up his belongings, so he tried everything in his power to get his sneakers back. But the social situation is so well presented that I just clenched my fists at what one person can do to another. Moreover, it's all from a pleasant, almost childlike point of view, which is changing dramatically.


Connasse, princesse des coeurs (2015) 

Engels The idea is good, the execution quite decent, but the character is so unbelievably unpleasant that a normal person can only stand watching her for a while. In that case, I must not be normal, because I watched the whole movie in one go, but I had to resist the urge not to start yelling at times at how stupid it was. I think her acting was amazing. However, the contribution of the film itself is ultimately rather nil.


Fever (2016) 

Engels This could have been an interesting movie if there had been a bit more focus on the story and a bit less on the romance, which becomes clichéd after a while. The problem is the erotic scenes, which are indeed sexy, but when you don't see anything for the umpteenth time, it's a bit frustrating. However, the European setting suits the Indian film well.


Parade of the Award Nominees (1932) 

Engels Nice example of how Oscars can also start. A film that was not intended for the public for a long time, but is now available on YouTube. Just a stroll of actors who were nominated for an Oscar in 1932. And since we don't remember that generation much, their caricatures won't tell us much.


MacGyver - Metal Saw (2016) (aflevering) 

Engels It's a little bit better than the first episode, but really only a little bit. I can't help but feel that the way everything is described here, even in text, so that even a dummy can grasp what MacGyver is using, turns it into such naive silliness, and definitely not in a good way. Maybe it will pick up, but the episodes aren't particularly well-written.


Julenatt i Blåfjell (2009) 

Engels A nice children's film about midgets who have their own rules, but there's one midget who wants to break them, always with good intentions. It's actually a nice fairy tale that draws a bit from other mythologies, but on the other hand, it's still very charming, with very few intense moments.


Cronaca di un amore (1950) 

Engels An Italian film about what can happen when you don't trust your wife and send a detective after her. The whole thing is presented somewhat without a distinctive idea; it's intense mainly in the dialogues, of which there are too many, and they're overly exaggerated and theatrical in the Italian style. The acting didn't strike me as particularly captivating, rather average.


Conviction (2010) 

Engels Is this a film about how things can go wrong when the wrong guy gets arrested? No, not really. This is a film about the strong bond between brother and sister, a bond that seems stronger than anything else. The past shapes us and shapes our relationships. This is the strength of the film, which unfortunately doesn't work so well as a legal drama.