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Recensie (7 596)


Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) 

Engels I was apprehensive about the new Max. I thought it would be just another remake of the already seen. Who would have thought? A brand-new story that races forward just like all the machines it features. It grabbed me right from the start and didn’t let go until the end. An absolutely captivating film! I would be very interested to know how many limbs Charlize Theron would have to lose to stop being sexy (except maybe for Monster, where she wasn’t even missing any body parts).


Zootropolis (2016) 

Engels Excellent animated film. A combination of anti-speciesist comedy and detective story.  Bateman as the fox was superb. I was totally blown away by the sloths and the wolves’ reactions to sounds or problems. Their expressions were priceless. I was expecting quality visuals and humor, and both were fantastic, so I couldn’t be happier. I also loved Mr. Big. A real treat.


Zoolander No. 2 (2016) 

Engels As a big fan of the first Zoolander, I was really looking forward to the second installment, but this? If it hadn’t been for the cast, I wouldn't have given any stars to this pathetic attempt to follow up the first installment. Mind-numbingly boring, nothing works, the script is terrible, the jokes aren’t funny, absolutely zero originality. This is what tea would taste like if you re-used the same bag 10 times.


The Interview (2014) 

Engels I couldn’t care less about how it’s shot, or if there’s scatological humor, or how the film is affected by the interplay of light and shadow or whatnot. I just wanted to see something I could have a good laugh at, and I got exactly that. Granted, the jokes are far from sophisticated, I know what kind of humor to expect from Seth Rogen, but I sure laughed. Seth Rogen and James Franco have excellent chemistry together, it's fast-paced and it's fun!


The Night Before (2015) booh!

Engels I do like Rogen movies, but this one was a miss. I expect a comedy to make me laugh. Maybe it would happen if I synced with Seth Rogen and consumed drugs as fast as he did. I would die, but maybe I would find my death hilarious. As I was sober, the movie was rather depressing and boring. Three friends go out to party at Christmas, and that’s about it. Sad and boring.


Warcraft: The Beginning (2016) 

Engels As I've been playing WOW for 8 years now, I was excited to see this. At the same time, I was seriously apprehensive. I've never played the original Warcraft, but I'm at least roughly familiar with it and the film certainly didn't disappoint. As a player, I was pleased that I could easily recognize the locations without the need for text on screen. As a viewer, I was pleased that it was possible to immerse myself in the story even without any prior knowledge of the game. Thankfully, unlike in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, the declarations of love, both straight and gay, were kept to the minimum, so there was no need to add entirely new characters to the story. The plot could simply race forward, which it did. I think it’s an excellent fantasy film, which not only didn’t disappoint me but made me look forward to the sequel (if there is one). On the other hand, what I didn’t like too much were the deviations from the game. If it continues along these lines, it will probably become a completely different story that will have very little in common with what the players know.


Dirty Grandpa (2016) 

Engels I didn't give it 4 stars only because the pace was needlessly slowed down at the end with overblown romance that seemed completely out of place. Even though the humor was mostly crude, overusing the f-word, it worked just fine for me. It’s not supposed to be an intellectual film with some sort of a deeper meaning. It’s a feel-good comedy that lets you switch off and relax, and I sure did.


The Big Short (2015) 

Engels For a film that I largely didn't understand, I was remarkably intrigued. The insane amount of stock market terms made me feel like I used to feel in a physics class back in my schooldays. Fortunately, the filmmakers realized that there would probably be more financial illiterates like me and included a number of witty explanations. I have to give credit to the excellent Christian Bale and all that great music he played, and especially to Steve Carell, whom I have long suspected of being a great actor without an opportunity to prove it. Well, he did so in this film. I normally wouldn’t be interested in this subject, but the filmmakers presented it in such a way that I couldn't tear myself away from the film until the closing credits.


Son of Saul (2015) 

Engels The interesting style of camerawork strongly reminded me of Resident Evil 4. I also liked the sound, which had a very intense effect on me, perhaps in connection with the camera. Otherwise, I was quite disappointed. Initially, the film felt very realistic to me. But the next thing I know, I'm watching the Sonderkommando in full action while the lead is standing in the middle of the room, staring blankly, and nothing’s happening. I was just waiting for one of the guards to go get him a coffee and a cigarette. Compared to similar films, it definitely loses out to The Grey Zone.


Battleship (2012) 

Engels Okay, the Americans have proved again that they’re the only ones who can protect the safety of everyone else around them. The reason why I watched this is that I’m interested in WW2 technology, and I wanted to see how USS Missouri would be incorporated into a film about an alien attack. My brain is still bleeding. The indestructible destroyers are destroyed and luckily only the expendable Japanese and the main hero’s brother and his crew get hurt, so the hero has reason enough to get pissed off. Throw in a battleship with a crew of veterans, conveniently aided on land by a brave legless veteran, and there won’t be a dry patriotic eye in the house. I would have loved to see the look on the face of a naval engineer seeing an anchor used as a handbrake. Disgusting! I would give this a boo rating, but I got to see the Missouri, so here goes one star.