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Recensie (58)


The Baker (2023) 

Engels The movie isn't bad, but unfortunately, it falls somewhere in the category of "good idea, poor execution, and mediocre casting." The story is fine, even though we've seen it here several times before. Ron is a cool grandpa, but otherwise, the cast is slightly below average. The little girl gets on your nerves quite a bit after a few moments, and one would prefer to give her a timeout... the antagonists are more amusing than fearsome, and the top boss Harvey hardly gets any screen time to show how well he can actually act. I positively appreciate the fight scenes (when they are visible because sometimes the camera is stumbling and absolutely unable to keep up, or it's as dark AF). Also, the not-so-happy storyline isn't entirely bad, but everything else falls below average, and it's not worth more than one star. However, I can't help but complain about the incredibly cheesy CGI cockroach on the desk - entirely unnecessary and not adding anything to the story, yet it robbed the film of about 80% of its seriousness in the first 10 minutes... sad story, sad face.


Cobweb (2023) 

Engels Except for the two luxurious scares (which had already been seen in the trailer), it wasn't such a WOW movie. It had a rather slow start, a good but somewhat predictable twist, and the ending didn't completely dazzle me either. Nevertheless, it's a decent horror movie, and I don't regret going to see it in the cinema.


Heart of Stone (2023) 

Engels A highly feminist endeavor where all women are at an intellectual and physical mega-level and have no problem hacking an intergalactic station on their way home from work in public transportation, all while defying all laws of physics by jumping six miles above sea level. It's an incredible absurdity that would be at least partially palatable if it were part of the superhero fantasy genre. But it's not.


Entergalactic (2022) 

Engels The excellent graphics and music overshadow even the absolute "woke" and racist wave that is evident in it, which I am very sensitive to. But here, I forgive it because I simply freaking loved it!


Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (2021) (serie) 

Engels My platonic love Leon and his always perfectly styled hair saved the world once again. Is it cheesy? Yes! And is it wrong? Not at all! :D The execution - flawless, the story - simple, and that's how it should be! I love it, and I can watch it for the fifty-eighth time, and it will entertain me just as much as the first time.


Intrusion (2021) 

Engels An absolutely great movie for aspiring screenwriters - as a cautionary example of what not to do. From the first minute, it's clear what's going on, who the bad guy is, and why. Watching a film where there's zero surprise, and everything is guessed in advance, is like waking up on New Year's Eve and pretending it's mid-May - it just doesn't work.


God Is a Bullet (2023) 

Engels Well, where do I even begin... if this was supposed to be a comedy, it wasn't funny; if a drama, it bored me, and if a romance, it was completely emotionless. If I understood it correctly (which I've been struggling with in movies lately), it was supposed to be a gloomy thriller about a terrifying cult, but instead, it turned into an ultra-awkward and bizarre something with extremely "tough" tattooed guys. It didn't work out, and it's only saved by a few good fight scenes with detached limbs. There's no deeper message to look for in this, it's just a waste of time.


The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023) (serie) 

Engels Dead City is just another confirmation that the entire series The Walking Dead, once the most successful TV show ever, is now just a dying concept. It's a classic example of something being artificially prolonged and lacking reflection on the fans' opinions, instead blindly pursuing profits, which is a path to hell.


Tenet (2020) 

Engels Let's be honest - who understood this movie right from the beginning? :) Time traveling and bending of the spacetime continuum are always quite complicated matters, but they can be presented in a relatively understandable way, which, unfortunately, wasn't the case for me here. The concept is great, the actors are good (Pattinson pleasantly surprises), the effects are cool, and the action is intense, but towards the end, there are too many unanswered questions and a slight taste of not fully grasping the plot, resulting in an incomplete experience. Christopher Nolan has shown he can do much better, as demonstrated in movies like Inception or Interstellar. This is, for me, his weakest work so far, but still a quality watch.


Extraction 2 (2023) 

Engels For how much of a crap the first movie was (despite my painful efforts, I couldn't manage to finish watching it, I admit), the sequel was actually a very pleasant surprise! Chris rediscovered at least a tiny bit of his acting talent, the story was, well, okay, and the locations were perfect (an old Georgian prison will always work). The action was comparable, if not better, than in the latest John Wick movie (yeah, I know, I'm going to hell for saying that). Surely, there are moments when the main character survives the unsurvivable, like repeatedly taking cover behind a ladder during a shootout with a helicopter (yes, a HELICOPTER, and yes, behind a ladder), which will probably become a slightly cultish cliché forever. However, prioritizing action over all those empathetic BS, as it's become a good habit these days, proved to be the right choice for an action film, resulting in an incredibly enjoyable spectacle.