Clara Aparicio Yoldi

Clara Aparicio Yoldi

geb. 1979
Madrid, Spanje


Clara Aparicio Yoldi is a videoartist. Graduating in Art History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, she moved to London in 2008, where she currently lives and works. She experiments with different formats and explores the frontiers between traditional and new media: mixing video and animation with painting, elements of graphic design, interactivity, programming and digital art. Recycling the aesthetic of commercials and marketing tools, her videos are a play of seduction, image overload, repetition, flashy colours, advertising hypnosis, contradiction, incomplete messages, manipulation... She puts into question the traditional narrative resources with the juxtaposition of images and copy paste collages of a schizophrenic nature. Her videos have been screened in various international festivals, galleries and art spaces around the world.

Festival Internacional de Cine LGBT de Madrid

Vrouwelijke regisseur

Korte films

Leave the Girls Alone


Korte films

Leave the Girls Alone


Korte films

Leave the Girls Alone