
When a poor Latina woman arrives in Sean and Christian's office with horrible blisters on her forehead, the doctors learn that their old associate, Merrill Bobolit (Joey Slotnick), is performing cheap, illegal cosmetic surgery on poverty-stricken people. Feeling guilty because he had reported Bobolit's past indiscretions, which led to Bobolit losing his license, Christian tracks him down and finds the drug-addled surgeon operating out of the back room of a dingy nail salon. As Christian sponsors Bobolit in a 12-step program, the two colleagues bond. But when Christian misses a meeting with Bobolit because of a surgery, the desperate man has a relapse, with terrible consequences for one of Bobolit's misguided patients--and for Christian. Meanwhile, Matt is now attending high school with Adrian (Seth Gabel), the sociopathic son of Matt's lover, life coach Ava Moore (Famke Janssen). When Adrian gets into trouble for selling his mother's drugs in school, Matt is implicated as well. Manipulative Ava convinces Matt to ask Christian to attend the resulting parent-teacher conference instead of Sean, and she preys upon the insecurities of Matt's middle-aged teacher to arrange a trade of free eye rejuvenation in exchange for leniency for the boys. However, the second time Adrian causes problems, Sean finds out and, confronting Ava, angrily sets strict boundaries for Matt--with an unexpected outcome. (Warner Bros. UK)

