
Thirty years in prison, then thrown back into society: "The Beast is Back" scream the tabloid headlines. Joseph Komalschek, a petty thief, was sent to jail 30 years ago for having killed a young woman and her child. After a brief investigation, the cops agreed that the bodies were buried in the abandoned mines running beneath the town. Yet no bodies were ever found, and Joseph's guilt was never proven. Young cop Tommy is in charge of the police team that keeps track of Joseph every minute of the day. When Tommy gets lost one day in the maze of tunnels and is rescued by Joseph, Tommy starts to feel a certain sympathy for the gruff but decent old man. Less sympathy is felt by the three retired cops who had sent Joseph off to jail back then... Then one of the cops commits suicide, another is shot, and Joseph makes a shocking discovery in the mines. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)

