
Juli has moved out from Magda's, she is a worker at a weaving factory and lives at János'. Magda reaches her and have her removed from the factory. Just in time, for thus Juli is able to pass the maturity exam, then she applies - unsuccessfully - for the film director department. János has been arrested in the meantime. Juli has recourse to the connections of Magda and she gets to Moscow with a scholarship in economy. There she cunningly slips over to the film director faculty and she has some Russian friends. She finds clues to her parents. After the death of Stalin she comes home to shoot a film of diploma and meets János, who has been released from jail. Her film is refused in this country for the unveiled reform ideas expressed in it. Learning the news about the rehabilitation of her father Juli returns to Moscow. In October 1956 revolution breaks out in Hungary, thus Juli cannot get back across the border for a while. (officiële tekst van distribiteur)

