João Moreira Salles

João Moreira Salles

geb. 1962


Documentary filmmaker and the president of the Instituto Morerira Salles. In 2006 he stablished the Cultura Piaquí magazine. He also teached documentary cinema at the Universidad Pontífica Católica de Río de Janeiro and at Princeton University. After his documentaries, such as Entreatos and Santiago, In the Intense Now, was part of the official selection at BAFICI, and won the Phoenix price for best documentary. His last feature film started with the late discovery of her the films her mother made during a China trip in 1966. Since then, and for inexplicable reasons that would take a long time to understand, he discovered 1968 and the french month. The period was of interest to him for many reasons, but one specifically because it was related to nature and the images in produced during that year. There were many 1968's within 1968. Some happened in democatric countries, others in fascists regimes, other in closed regimes were there were essays that invited dialogue and in soft dictatorships that would briefly opted for answers that were deeply influenced by authoritarism, as in the case of Brazil. Every political context produced an specific type of image.

Interior XIII






No Intenso Agora - verteller



Nelson Freire